Thursday, April 6, 2023

This Week in Room 21...

Hello Everyone! We just want to wish you all a Happy Easter! Enjoy the long weekend with your families : ) Here's a sneak peek at our week.......


This week in writing the students examined fairytales to determine the problem, events and solution. After listening to Hansel & Gretel they ordered the story events into a booklet to look like the candy house in the story.

We also worked on long vowel sounds concentrating on the spelling patterns for the long a vowel sound-- ai, a_e and ay. The students worked on making words using the different long a spelling patterns and sorting words into groups based on ai, ay or a_e.

In math, we finished working on solving addition and subtraction problems. The students had to solve mixed problems looking for clue words to indicate if the problem was asking them to use addition or subtraction.

This week's Author Study author was Robert Munsch. His stories are known for their funny and often ridiculous story lines! The kids laughed along with the characters and their hilarious predicaments in each book. 

In Science we began talking about plants. Students learned about the importance of plants, the parts of plants and the needs of plants. They began an experiment to see under what conditions plants grow best. They planted seeds in a variety of locations and conditions-- no/low sun, lots of dirt, no dirt, no water etc.  Each day they will make observations and record any changes in the plants. 

In gym we began our unit on gymnastics. This unit will run throughout the month of April. Students are reminded to wear comfortable, stretchy pants and a shirt. No leggings (with the toe), hoodies, jewelry, skirts/dresses etc. Students began by learning how to move in a variety of ways and in a variety of spaces. They practiced animals moves, rolls and balances. They learned to balance using one, two and three body parts. 

In art, the students created some fun egg/rabbit easter crafts. They decorated one egg with a colourful pattern or design and cut it in half lengthwise. Then they drew a rabbit face on the other egg. Finally, they attached the two halves of the first egg to the second egg to make rabbit ears. 

Important Reminders & Updates:
  • GYMNASTICS has started!! Students are required to wear comfortable, properly fitting clothes (No jeans or skirts/dresses or hoodies) as these items can get caught on equipment posing a safety hazard. They are also not able to wear any jewelry and all long hair must be tied back to prevent injury. Students should wear sweatpants/stretchy pants to school each day. We do not have time to change clothes before and after gym so they must come properly dressed in the morning. Thank you for your support of this program!

  • RAZ-KIDS (NEW!) : EMJ has purchased a membership to the Raz-Kids website. This is an online reading program with levelled books that your child can practice reading with at home as another option to the Home Reading books that they bring home. Your child had a chance to practice using this site with their Buddies. They have brought home their login information so that they can access the site from home. Please keep this information in a safe place. You will be able to access the site from our Google Classroom or by searching Raz-kids online. 
  • Please have your child return their Spelling Booklet each Monday. This week's spelling words were
  • Our Google Classroom is up and running! This is a resource for students to use at home to support learning here at school. You can log into your child's classroom by following the steps below:
  1. Go to Google. com.
  2. Click the blue "Sign In" icon near the top right of screen.
  3. Click on the "waffle" icon and select the chalkboard icon from the drop down menu.
  4. Enter your child's email address. (this can be found in your MyCBE parent account or you can ask me and I can email it to you.)
  5. Enter your child's password. (All students have the same password. It is: 12345678 )
  6. Click on "Mrs. V's Classroom")
  7. Go to "Classwork" tab for links to games and activities.
*Note: If you have any trouble logging in let me know.

Upcoming Events & Dates to Remember:

Apr. 7 - Good Friday/No School

Apr. 10 - PD Day/No school

Apr. 17 - St. Patrick's Day

Apr. 25 - Last day with our Student Teacher

May 5 - No School

May 12 - Mother's Day 

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This Week in Room 21...

Happy Friday! Here's a look at our week : )  ------------------------------------------------------------------ In ELAL, we looked at th...